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Сайт FDF.ORG.UA є частиною програми розвитку франчайзингу в УкраїніВсеукраїнської громадської організації «Федерація розвитку франчайзингу, гостинності та інфраструктури», яка дуже серйозно відноситься до конфіденційної інформації своїх користувачів. Нижче приводиться наша політика конфіденційності та політика захисту даних.


Коли Ви реєструєтесь або пробуєте зареєструватися на сайті FDF.ORG.UA, ми фіксуємо Ваші особисті дані, такі як прізвище, ім’я, адресу, електронну адресу та інші доступні дані з реєстраційної форми.

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Ми використовуємо цю інформацію:

  • для обробки Ваших інформаційних запитів, зокрема для підбору відповідної компанії яка відповідає Вашим запитам та профілю;
  • для того, щоб повідомляти Вас про всі оновлення, новини (якщо Ви вибрали дану послугу), події та розвиток Федерації (якщо Ви вибрали дану послугу);
  • дозволяти третій стороні відправити Вам інформацію через нас (якщо Ви вибрали дану послугу);
  • забезпечити, на скільки це є практичним і можливим, щоб наш сайт був сумісним з браузерами та інформаційними системами, яку використовують більшість наших користувачів;
  • Ви можете підписатися на друковану версію журналу –каталогу про франчайзинг (якщо Ви вибрали дану послугу);
  • для ручної перевірки успішність Вашої реєстрації, якщо Вам не вдалося це зробити через реєстраційну форму (як правило це відбувається, якщо користувачі вносять такі незначні помилки, як, наприклад: заміть внесення в графу «Капітал для інвестиції» суми «10,000», замість числа «10000»;
  • контроль за змінами запитів профілю Франчайзора, тенденцій, статистикою, яка відбувається в галузі франчайзингу*.

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1. General Provisions

1.1. The key benefits of membership in the Ukrainian public organization “Federation of franchising development, hospitality and infrastructure” are:

  • Trust in society, business, government;
  • The ability to publish your franchise business, products and services, receive a study on the market for goods and services, franchising, hospitality and infrastructure of Ukraine and other states;
  • Participation in exhibitions, conferences, round tables, organized by the Federation of franchising development and its partners, both in Ukraine and abroad;
  • Access to international resources and partners of the Federation of franchising development;
  • Organization of own activities within the resources the Federation and its partners: corporate training, master classes, open days etc.
  • Professional development and education program of the Open Franchising University;
  • Discounts and loyalty programs for members of the Federation of franchising development;
  • Communication with state authorities and government;
  • Protect your interests in state bodies;
  • Lobbying for the interests of its members at local, national and international levels.

Franchising Development Federation team is actively working to ensure that the interests of the franchise were presented fairly and objectively. Federation of franchising development, acts on behalf of all franchisors, franchisees, suppliers of goods and services to address urgent issues on the basis of a unified position.

1.2. The founders of the Ukrainian NGO "Federation of franchising development, hospitality and infrastructure" (hereinafter - the Franchising Development Federation) are members of the Federation of franchising development.

1.3. Membership in the Franchising Development Federation can be individual and collective.

1.4. Individual members of the Franchising Development Federation can be Ukrainian and foreign citizens, stateless persons who have attained the age of 14, recognize and support the goals and objectives of the Franchising Development Federation contained in the Charter Ukrainian NGO "Federation of franchising development, hospitality and infrastructure, accept and abide Franchising Code of Ethics. Individual member of the Franchising Development Federation can be full or associate.

1.5. Collective members of the Franchising Development Federation can be collectives and organizations, associations of citizens, including foreign countries, not legal entities (groups of citizens), legal entities that contribute to the Franchising Development Federation, recognize and support its goals and objectives, accept and abide Franchising Code of Ethics. Collective member of the Franchising Development Federation can be full or associate.
1.6. Membership in the Franchising Development Federation is voluntary and may be full or associate.

1.6.1. Membership in the Franchising Development Federation: this category is available for applicants who in the opinion of the Presidium of the FDF meet all requirements of the Charter of the FDF, regulations and codes of ethical conduct of FDF.

1.6.2. Associate membership in the Franchising Development Federation: this category is available to applicants who in the opinion of the Presidium, the executive board and the chairmen of branches FDF suggests that they are on track to meet the requirements of full membership.

1.7. Membership in the Franchising Development Federation is divided into three categories:
Suppliers - FDF members who provide products, services and assistance in the field of hospitality and infrastructure.

1.8. By joining the Ukrainian public organization “Federation of franchising development, hospitality and infrastructure” members, both associate and full, undertake to abide the terms of the Franchising Development Federation, the Charter, regulations, policies and procedures adopted by the Franchising Development Federation:

  • Code of Ethical Conduct (the Franchising Code of Ethics);
  • Disciplinary procedures and regulations;
  • Complaint procedure;
  • The appeal procedure.

1.9. Members agree that they provide the Franchising Development Federation any non-confidential information relating to their business, franchising offers franchisees, quality of goods and services, as well as the skill level and professionalism of its directors, which may be requested by an authorized official of the Franchising Development Federation.

1.10. Members also agree to provide employees of the Franchising Development Federation, approved by the President, full access (within a reasonable time) to the Confidentiality of information relating to its business model, franchising offers (provided that such information is confidential).
1.11. In the Franchising Development Federation works Arbitration Court for the informal forms of reconciliation. These services are available to all members of the Franchising Development Federation, jointly agreed to use these services.

1.12. Federation members also tend to adhere to guidelines on best business practices on the terms of franchising, published by the Franchising Development Federation from time to time.

1.13. Summary of the key criteria for membership in the Franchising Development Federation for all its categories:

1.13.1. Principles that apply to franchisors / franchisees, who apply for membership, and which underlying the process of accreditation for membership in the Franchising Development Federation. As part of their application, the franchisor / franchisee will demonstrate how they use these standards and undertake to provide evidence if necessary.

Vital functions: Business or franchise business model should be viable. Achievements of the company show that goods or services are in demand and came to such a level of profit that can support a franchise network in a lucrative level. All intellectual property is registered on the territory of Ukraine, which is confirmed by the relevant certificate: a certificate of registration mark for goods and services, copyrights, etc.

Support: Transfer of know-how to the new operator and, if necessary, its advisory support at a distance of: providing consultations of partner on business questions, make timely delivery of goods, etc.

Ethic of Conduct: franchising business is built and operated in accordance with the ethical principles set in the Franchising Code of Ethics, which covers advertising, recruitment, selection of partners and support for franchisees. The applicant passes a business evaluation by experts and operates on the basis of the franchising agreement.

Openness: All information about business, which deals with franchising deal and contract discloses without ambiguity to prospective franchisees.

2. The status of full and associated members of the Franchising Development Federation Partners of the Franchising Development Federation

2.1. Full member of the Franchising Development Federation has the right:

  • to participate in the management of the Franchising Development Federation directly or through delegates to the General Meeting of the Franchising Development Federation, the governing body of structural units of Franchising Development Federation in the order prescribed by the Charter of Franchising Development Federation;
  • to elect and be elected to the governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation;
  • to participate in all activities undertaken by the Federation and its localities, under the conditions approved by the governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation within their competence;
  • to publish their articles and scientific papers in journals and information resources of the Franchising Development Federation under the conditions approved by the Board;
  • to express personal position as a member of the Franchising Development Federation at conferences, roundtables, forums and other events;
  • to receive methodical and organizational assistance in the implementation of projects approved by the governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation;
  • to contact management of FDF for legal support and services;
  • to discuss any activity issues of the Franchising Development Federation, to contribute to the governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation proposals to improve its operations;
  • to obtain relevant information on the activity of the Franchising Development Federation under the current legislation and decisions of governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation;
  • to terminate membership in the Franchising Development Federation of their own volition;
  • to contact the Arbitration Court of Franchising Development Federation for help in resolving disputes.

2.2. Associate Member of the Federation, franchise development has the right:

  • to participate in all activities undertaken by the Federation and its localities, under the conditions approved by the governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation within their competence;
  • to publish their articles and scientific papers in journals and information resources of the Franchising Development Federation under the conditions approved by the Board;
  • express personal position as a member of the Franchising Development Federation at conferences, roundtables, forums and other events;
  • to receive methodical and organizational assistance in the implementation of projects, approved by the governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation;
  • to contact management of FDF for legal support and services;
  • to discuss any activity issues of the Franchising Development Federation, to contribute to the governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation proposals to improve its operations;
  • to obtain relevant information on the activity of the Franchising Development Federation under the current legislation and decisions of governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation;
  • to terminate membership in the Franchising Development Federation of their own volition;
  • to contact the Arbitration Court of Franchising Development Federation for help in resolving disputes.

2.3. Members of the Franchising Development Federation may also have other rights stipulated by current legislation of Ukraine and the Franchising Development Federation Charter and decisions of governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation.

2.4. All members of the Franchising Development Federation have equal rights.

2.5. Members of the Franchising Development Federation must:

  • comply with the Charter of the Franchising Development Federation, these Regulations and other internal documents of the Franchising Development Federation, as well as carry out the decisions of governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation;
  • participate in the activities of the Franchising Development Federation;
  • avoid actions that cause harm or undermine the authority of the Franchising Development Federation;
  • comply with other obligations under current legislation of Ukraine, the Charter, the Regulations and other internal documents of the Franchising Development Federation.

3. Procedure for admission to the Franchising Development Federation

3.1. Admission to the members of the Franchising Development Federation by local cells in accordance with the Charter of the Franchising Development Federation and this Regulations on membership in the Franchising Development Federation, based on the personal written statement or a completed application form, or the written decision of the governing body of the candidate for the collective members - a legal entity.

3.2. Statement or application form for membership in the Franchising Development Federation is submitted to the Chairman of the local branch and must contain:

for individuals - surname, first name and patronymic, citizenship information, information about place of residence, birth year, a written commitment to meet statutory responsibilities in case of membership in the Franchising Development Federation;

for legal entities - name, address, details of registration and a written commitment to meet statutory responsibilities in case of membership in the Franchising Development Federation. The application of legal entity must contain attached decision of the governing body of the legal entity to join the Franchising Development Federation and an extract from the statute of entity, certified by its seal, which confirms the authority of the governing body for appropriate action.

3.3. When applying, candidate member of the Franchising Development Federation (his authorized representative) is given the Charter of Franchising Development Federation for review.

3.4. A candidate for the collective members of Franchising Development Federation becomes a member after the relevant decision of governing body of the Franchising Development Federation.

4. Termination of membership in the Franchising Development Federation

4.1. The member of the Franchising Development Federation terminate his membership in the Franchising Development Federation by a personal declaration addressed to the Board of the Franchising Development Federation

4.2. The member of the Franchising Development Federation - a physical person is entitled to apply for the termination of membership personally or send out notarized mailed statement.

4.3. The member of the Franchising Development Federation - the collective entity is entitled to apply for termination of membership through its authorized representative or by mail. The statement must include the decision of the governing body of collective entity to resign from membership in the Franchising Development Federation.

4.4. Application of a member of the Franchising Development Federation on his withdrawal from the Franchising Development Federation is being considered on the Presidium of Franchising Development Federation within one month from the date of such statement. In order to monitor compliance with statutory requirements regarding exit from the membership of Franchising Development Federation decision of the local branch is considered and approved by the Board of Franchising Development Federation.

4.5. Members of the Franchising Development Federation can be eliminated:

  • if there are other debts to the Federation;
  • due to the systematic violation of this Charter or the documents regulating the activities of the Federation;
  • in case of actions contrary to the goals of Federation;
  • if a member of the Federation with their actions or omissions caused or is causing damage to property or the good name of the Federation.

The decision to terminate membership in the Federation is taken by the Board of Federation by a simple majority.

4.6. Franchising Development Federation is not responsible for the obligations of its members as the latter are not responsible for the obligations of the Franchising Development Federation.


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Public activity

In 2010-2012 Federation is actively working on establishing contacts with associations of different industries to spread the idea of franchising and joint holding of various events on franchising.

International activities

In 2010 - 2012's Federation is working to establish contacts with the Chairmen’s of the Trade Councils of foreign embassies in Ukraine. The main goal: positioning Ukrainian business as a reliable partner in franchising area, hospitality and infrastructure, attracting foreign franchises on the Ukrainian market, providing assistance for domestic franchises and their suppliers in operating on the foreign markets.

Educational activities

Among the Federation targets are educational activities that help entrepreneurs and companies:

  • Understand the essence of franchising and its benefits;
  • Building own franchising model;
  • Select the best own franchise;
  • Improving own professional level;
  • Gaining qualification of specialist in franchising.

For this purposes Federation developed based on best international experience program of “Franchising Open University”.

Federation also organizes the translation of literature on franchising and international legislative documents on franchising.

Legislative activities, lobby

Federation aim at improvement of legislation for franchising in Ukraine and in sphere of small and medium businesses. To do this, the Federation takes an active part in development of:

  • Law on franchising in Ukraine;
  • National programs for small and medium business;
  • Municipal development programs for small and medium business;
  • Recommendations on Tax and Customs Codes etc.;
  • Community Council on self-regulation – State committee of Ukraine for regulatory policy and entrepreneurship (SCURPE)


Publishing activity

By means of print and CD products members of the Federation, partners and supporters can deeply cognize with all aspects of franchising:

  • Digest;
  • CD;
  • Books;
  • Magazines;
  • Catalogs.


Public activities


The most important event of life of The Federation is annual Forum “Franchising, Hospitality, Infrastructure”, which is held at the beginning of December. The purpose of the forum is to share experience, highlight the main events in franchising of the previous year, to hear the opinion of international experts and representatives of international and government organizations and to forecast the next year.


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International activities:

  • With a help of Federation you can:
  • Attend the most important events of franchising in the world;
  • Get visa’s support;
  • Be represented on the international exhibition (organization of the stand);
  • Organization of the collective departure to the international exhibitions, escort and translation;
  • International contacts.
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1. General Provisions

1.1. The key benefits of membership in the Ukrainian public organization “Federation of franchising development, hospitality and infrastructure” are:

  • Trust in society, business, government;
  • The ability to publish your franchise business, products and services, receive a study on the market for goods and services, franchising, hospitality and infrastructure of Ukraine and other states;
  • Participation in exhibitions, conferences, round tables, organized by the Federation of franchising development and its partners, both in Ukraine and abroad;
  • Access to international resources and partners of the Federation of franchising development;
  • Organization of own activities within the resources the Federation and its partners: corporate training, master classes, open days etc.
  • Professional development and education program of the Open Franchising University;
  • Discounts and loyalty programs for members of the Federation of franchising development;
  • Communication with state authorities and government;
  • Protect your interests in state bodies;
  • Lobbying for the interests of its members at local, national and international levels.

Franchising Development Federation team is actively working to ensure that the interests of the franchise were presented fairly and objectively. Federation of franchising development, acts on behalf of all franchisors, franchisees, suppliers of goods and services to address urgent issues on the basis of a unified position.

1.2. The founders of the Ukrainian NGO "Federation of franchising development, hospitality and infrastructure" (hereinafter - the Franchising Development Federation) are members of the Federation of franchising development.

1.3. Membership in the Franchising Development Federation can be individual and collective.

1.4. Individual members of the Franchising Development Federation can be Ukrainian and foreign citizens, stateless persons who have attained the age of 14, recognize and support the goals and objectives of the Franchising Development Federation contained in the Charter Ukrainian NGO "Federation of franchising development, hospitality and infrastructure, accept and abide Franchising Code of Ethics. Individual member of the Franchising Development Federation can be full or associate.

1.5. Collective members of the Franchising Development Federation can be collectives and organizations, associations of citizens, including foreign countries, not legal entities (groups of citizens), legal entities that contribute to the Franchising Development Federation, recognize and support its goals and objectives, accept and abide Franchising Code of Ethics. Collective member of the Franchising Development Federation can be full or associate.
1.6. Membership in the Franchising Development Federation is voluntary and may be full or associate.

1.6.1. Membership in the Franchising Development Federation: this category is available for applicants who in the opinion of the Presidium of the FDF meet all requirements of the Charter of the FDF, regulations and codes of ethical conduct of FDF.

1.6.2. Associate membership in the Franchising Development Federation: this category is available to applicants who in the opinion of the Presidium, the executive board and the chairmen of branches FDF suggests that they are on track to meet the requirements of full membership.

1.7. Membership in the Franchising Development Federation is divided into three categories:

  • Franchisers;
  • Franchisees;
  • Suppliers - FDF members who provide products, services and assistance in the field of hospitality and infrastructure.

1.8. By joining the Ukrainian public organization “Federation of franchising development, hospitality and infrastructure” members, both associate and full, undertake to abide the terms of the Franchising Development Federation, the Charter, regulations, policies and procedures adopted by the Franchising Development Federation:

  • Code of Ethical Conduct (the Franchising Code of Ethics);
  • Disciplinary procedures and regulations;
  • Complaint procedure;
  • The appeal procedure.

1.9. Members agree that they provide the Franchising Development Federation any non-confidential information relating to their business, franchising offers franchisees, quality of goods and services, as well as the skill level and professionalism of its directors, which may be requested by an authorized official of the Franchising Development Federation.

1.10. Members also agree to provide employees of the Franchising Development Federation, approved by the President, full access (within a reasonable time) to the Confidentiality of information relating to its business model, franchising offers (provided that such information is confidential).
1.11. In the Franchising Development Federation works Arbitration Court for the informal forms of reconciliation. These services are available to all members of the Franchising Development Federation, jointly agreed to use these services.

1.12. Federation members also tend to adhere to guidelines on best business practices on the terms of franchising, published by the Franchising Development Federation from time to time.

1.13. Summary of the key criteria for membership in the Franchising Development Federation for all its categories:

1.13.1. Principles that apply to franchisors / franchisees, who apply for membership, and which underlying the process of accreditation for membership in the Franchising Development Federation. As part of their application, the franchisor / franchisee will demonstrate how they use these standards and undertake to provide evidence if necessary.

Vital functions: Business or franchise business model should be viable. Achievements of the company show that goods or services are in demand and came to such a level of profit that can support a franchise network in a lucrative level. All intellectual property is registered on the territory of Ukraine, which is confirmed by the relevant certificate: a certificate of registration mark for goods and services, copyrights, etc.

Support: Transfer of know-how to the new operator and, if necessary, its advisory support at a distance of: providing consultations of partner on business questions, make timely delivery of goods, etc.

Ethic of Conduct: franchising business is built and operated in accordance with the ethical principles set in the Franchising Code of Ethics, which covers advertising, recruitment, selection of partners and support for franchisees. The applicant passes a business evaluation by experts and operates on the basis of the franchising agreement.

Openness: All information about business, which deals with franchising deal and contract discloses without ambiguity to prospective franchisees.

2. The status of full and associated members of the Franchising Development Federation Partners of the Franchising Development Federation

2.1. Full member of the Franchising Development Federation has the right:

  • to participate in the management of the Franchising Development Federation directly or through delegates to the General Meeting of the Franchising Development Federation, the governing body of structural units of Franchising Development Federation in the order prescribed by the Charter of Franchising Development Federation;
  • to elect and be elected to the governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation;
  • to participate in all activities undertaken by the Federation and its localities, under the conditions approved by the governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation within their competence;
  • to publish their articles and scientific papers in journals and information resources of the Franchising Development Federation under the conditions approved by the Board;
  • to express personal position as a member of the Franchising Development Federation at conferences, roundtables, forums and other events;
  • to receive methodical and organizational assistance in the implementation of projects approved by the governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation;
  • to contact management of FDF for legal support and services;
  • to discuss any activity issues of the Franchising Development Federation, to contribute to the governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation proposals to improve its operations;
  • to obtain relevant information on the activity of the Franchising Development Federation under the current legislation and decisions of governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation;
  • to terminate membership in the Franchising Development Federation of their own volition;
  • to contact the Arbitration Court of Franchising Development Federation for help in resolving disputes.

2.2. Associate Member of the Federation, franchise development has the right:

  • to participate in all activities undertaken by the Federation and its localities, under the conditions approved by the governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation within their competence;
  • to publish their articles and scientific papers in journals and information resources of the Franchising Development Federation under the conditions approved by the Board;
  • express personal position as a member of the Franchising Development Federation at conferences, roundtables, forums and other events;
  • to receive methodical and organizational assistance in the implementation of projects, approved by the governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation;
  • to contact management of FDF for legal support and services;
  • to discuss any activity issues of the Franchising Development Federation, to contribute to the governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation proposals to improve its operations;
  • to obtain relevant information on the activity of the Franchising Development Federation under the current legislation and decisions of governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation;
  • to terminate membership in the Franchising Development Federation of their own volition;
  • to contact the Arbitration Court of Franchising Development Federation for help in resolving disputes.

2.3. Members of the Franchising Development Federation may also have other rights stipulated by current legislation of Ukraine and the Franchising Development Federation Charter and decisions of governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation.

2.4. All members of the Franchising Development Federation have equal rights.

2.5. Members of the Franchising Development Federation must:

  • comply with the Charter of the Franchising Development Federation, these Regulations and other internal documents of the Franchising Development Federation, as well as carry out the decisions of governing bodies of the Franchising Development Federation;
  • participate in the activities of the Franchising Development Federation;
  • avoid actions that cause harm or undermine the authority of the Franchising Development Federation;
  • comply with other obligations under current legislation of Ukraine, the Charter, the Regulations and other internal documents of the Franchising Development Federation.

3. Procedure for admission to the Franchising Development Federation

3.1. Admission to the members of the Franchising Development Federation by local cells in accordance with the Charter of the Franchising Development Federation and this Regulations on membership in the Franchising Development Federation, based on the personal written statement or a completed application form, or the written decision of the governing body of the candidate for the collective members - a legal entity.

3.2. Statement or application form for membership in the Franchising Development Federation is submitted to the Chairman of the local branch and must contain:

  • for individuals - surname, first name and patronymic, citizenship information, information about place of residence, birth year, a written commitment to meet statutory responsibilities in case of membership in the Franchising Development Federation;
  • for legal entities - name, address, details of registration and a written commitment to meet statutory responsibilities in case of membership in the Franchising Development Federation. The application of legal entity must contain attached decision of the governing body of the legal entity to join the Franchising Development Federation and an extract from the statute of entity, certified by its seal, which confirms the authority of the governing body for appropriate action.

3.3. When applying, candidate member of the Franchising Development Federation (his authorized representative) is given the Charter of Franchising Development Federation for review.

3.4. A candidate for the collective members of Franchising Development Federation becomes a member after the relevant decision of governing body of the Franchising Development Federation.

4. Termination of membership in the Franchising Development Federation

4.1. The member of the Franchising Development Federation terminate his membership in the Franchising Development Federation by a personal declaration addressed to the Board of the Franchising Development Federation

4.2. The member of the Franchising Development Federation - a physical person is entitled to apply for the termination of membership personally or send out notarized mailed statement.

4.3. The member of the Franchising Development Federation - the collective entity is entitled to apply for termination of membership through its authorized representative or by mail. The statement must include the decision of the governing body of collective entity to resign from membership in the Franchising Development Federation.

4.4. Application of a member of the Franchising Development Federation on his withdrawal from the Franchising Development Federation is being considered on the Presidium of Franchising Development Federation within one month from the date of such statement. In order to monitor compliance with statutory requirements regarding exit from the membership of Franchising Development Federation decision of the local branch is considered and approved by the Board of Franchising Development Federation.

4.5. Members of the Franchising Development Federation can be eliminated:

  • if there are other debts to the Federation;
  • due to the systematic violation of this Charter or the documents regulating the activities of the Federation;
  • in case of actions contrary to the goals of Federation;
  • if a member of the Federation with their actions or omissions caused or is causing damage to property or the good name of the Federation.

The decision to terminate membership in the Federation is taken by the Board of Federation by a simple majority.

4.6. Franchising Development Federation is not responsible for the obligations of its members as the latter are not responsible for the obligations of the Franchising Development Federation.


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01010, Ukraine,
Kyiv – 10, а/с 13

тел.: +38 099 208 10 69 



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